RC Lyutaramane Caritas Makomu Parish
The aim of starting LYUTARAMANE CARITAS is to create awareness among the members of the Parish and the whole community at large on the importance and need of having such a service in the community. That is regardless of economic constraints as human being we need to educate children from their early stages of life, to have health insurance and good housing. It is the wake up call to the most fortunate people and good Samaritans in our society to heed the crying of the poor in the society. Many parents have responded positively to this initiative and have started to see the value of this Caritas. Indeed, it is a forward-looking community which despite of many economic problems facing it, it has people who are strong in faith, happy and peaceful. We now mobilize globally to raise the helping hand by contributing through this Caritas for the purpose of answering the cry of needy at Marangu Makomu.
Vivamus volutpat eros pulvinar velit laoreet, sit amet egestas erat dignissim. Sed quis rutrum tellus, sit amet viverra felis. Cras sagittis sem sit amet urna feugiat rutrum. Nam nulla ipsum, venenatis malesuada felis quis, ultricies convallis neque. Pellentesque tristique fringilla tempus. Vivamus bibendum nibh in dolor pharetra, a euismod nulla dignissim. Nunc sit amet tellus arcu.
To offer best support to the community particularly children and poor through education, healthcare and housing.
A/C : 0152000ELON0
Lyutaramane Caritas Makomu Parish